Thursday, October 2, 2008

all on a good day!

i have the flu - antibiotics-kinda-flu! and no, i'm not feeling sorry for myself! but this morning, i thought if it were a nice enough day outside, i might wrap myself in a duvet and have a nap on my hammock! alas!
its not a nice day.

so i found these photo's taken last summer and thought i should share as i promised a friend in guernsey to mail him some photo's of the views from our home.

im afraid i lack my usual energy to let my mind wander and come up with some weird and wonderful story to go with these shots, though i thought to offer the
moral of the story: upon having a bad day; remember that this day will pass (and even though summer is taking for-freakin-EVER to come this year... it surely has to pitch up at some stage, right?) and better days are bound to follow.

...all this from my top deck! hope it makes you as happy as it does me.

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek